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  • Olusegun Osineye


Fulfillment of life Through Intentional Growth and Discernment

I have conceived greatness by conceptualizing it from the perspective of the dream and the actualization of life’s…

Resolving the Problem of the Original Sin Using the Work of Augustine and Calvin as a Guide.

According to the biblical narrative, the problem of sin historically goes back to the primeval era of Adam…

Saint Augustine on Sin

The sin of Adam in the narrative of the Bible to a critical mind like Augustine far outweighs…

The Paradox of the god of Gold and a Theological-Ethical Analysis of the Song of Solomon

What else could be more important than money? What in life should a man genuinely hold in high…

The Choice to Embrace One’s Self-Identity

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” – Eleanor Roosevelt. Embracing one’s self-identity is simply…

How to Defeat an Average Life

Your worst enemy in life is to be contented with an average life. Average life is acceptance of…

Ten Commandments for Possibility Thinkers

I have been working with aspiring leaders and those desiring to take their mental wellness to the next…

From the Relics of the First Century Church – A Conversation with Frank Viola

Frank Viola, through his book “Reimagining Church: Pursuing the Dream of Organic Christianity,” has been able to raise…

Maximizing Your God-given Potential

“You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die, or when, you only decide how you’re going…

What is My Personality Type?

I recently came across a tool that could help me identify the kind of personality type that I…